
I am Sándor Szabados, a crisis counselling psychologist and an addictive behaviours counseling psychologist. I have been working as a mentor for twenty years.

“We are here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is.”
Mark Vonnegut


Schema therapy

Autonomy, a feeling of competence, the freedom to express our feelings and demands, spontaneity and play – these are just some of our basic emotional needs that require fulfilment throughout our entire life, from the moment we are born. Depending on how well our early needs had been satisfied, we create and maintain certain recognizable patterns. If our needs were left unfulfilled, then the patterns we create may obstruct self-realization. In addition to our conscious choices, it is these very patterns that are responsible for the recurring issues in our lives. The good news is that we are capable of learning how to get satisfaction for our basic emotional needs on our own and how to get rid of the patterns that hamper our ability to react.

Cognitive behavioral therapy approach

Environment – Thoughts – Physical reactions – Mood - Behavior. The cognitive behavioral approach proposes an entire set of practical psychological tips for everyday use, offering efficient solutions for dealing with stress, anxiety and frustration. While our environment is a given fact, our thoughts, more often than not, arise automatically, popping into our consciousness out of the blue, carrying negative connotations. The bodily reactions that occur as a consequence will define our mood, our feelings and, ultimately, the way we are going to act. Which components of the Environment – Thoughts – Physical reactions –Behavior matrix can be shaped at will?

Existential approach

All seven and a half billion of us have the same fate. We are going to witness our own and each other’s ephemeral existence, and one day we are going to die. What to do about the crippling horror caused by the knowledge that death is inevitable? What should I do about the obligation to bring a series of decisions that are going to define my degree of freedom? How can I handle the burden of individual responsibility arising from my decisions? What to do about the feeling of isolation, knowing that I am one and irreplaceable among the billions? How to find a purpose in life?

Development of self-understanding

Self-understanding and people skills are acquired in the same way – by inference based on systematic observation. We observe our own behavior, monitor our feelings and reactions, and then draw the conclusions about ourselves and incorporate these into our personality. Inevitably, these observations will have a subjective angle and, therefore, will show cognitive bias, often leading to mistakes. In the course of the development training assisted by a professional, the client will be offered support for observing and interpreting his or her thoughts, ideas, feelings, reactions, defensive and response mechanisms as well as motivation and urges arising during the cooperative sessions.

Mentoring & Coaching

At the start of the Trojan War, Odysseus entrusted the upbringing of his son, Telemachus, to the care of his close friend and comrade, Mentor. Throughout the years, Mentor raised, protected and counseled the young Telemachus as his ward. Of all the stages in life, it is perhaps the twenties that poses the hardest challenge to the young generation, when the intervention of a wise counselor may prove crucial. This counselor must be a person of considerable experience and integrity, whose supportive attitude can serve as an efficient guidance in overcoming the characteristic difficulties of this life stage, encouraging the fulfillment of individual potential and the healthy development of personality.

Relationship counseling for couples

Certain popular misconceptions, such as one must always do well or that one could always find a better partner often lead to breakups and divorces, because one might be increasingly pushed towards liberating himself or herself. Often, it is only in retrospective that we come to understand how we left all that was good and fulfilling, all that we built with mutual effort and commitment, to ruin. This realization may come when we are already deeply involved with someone else, in a relationship that is suspiciously similar to the previous one in its recurring patterns and conflicts. Relationship counseling, meditation, self-awareness training and shared effort may help us break the mold.

I can help you with the following:

  • development of self-understanding
  • transitional periods of life, together with the related issues, blocks and crises:
    • commitment crisis or quarter-life crisis
    • mid-life crisis
  • career-choice issues
  • career counseling (career changes and career abandonment)
  • issues with self-assertion, assertiveness training
  • relationship issues
  • relationship conflicts
  • adultery
  • divorce or breakup
  • intimacy avoidance and lasting loneliness
  • social anxiety, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence
  • workplace difficulties, conflicts and mobbing
  • burnout
  • anger and temper management
  • stress management
  • learning difficulties
  • expectation of failure

What to expect at the first meeting?

I consider it important to spend the first meeting with defining the issue as exactly as possible. We are going to use this time with mapping the underlying reasons and recurring patterns that may make it impossible to find an efficient solution to the situation. Next, we shall agree about what and how we propose to achieve, and what my role will be in this process. Pinning down the objectives of our sessions takes both of us.


The framework of psychological counseling

By default, counseling includes one session per week and sessions last 50 minutes. 
Relationship counseling for couples lasts 60 minutes.

The frequency and length of sessions can be adjusted by agreement.

Online counseling is available via Zoom/FaceTime/Teams connection.






Relationship counseling for couples


Cancellations up to 24 hours before the scheduled session are free of charge. 

Sessions cancelled within 24 hours are considered held and will be invoiced together with the next session. 


If you decide to contact me by e-mail, please briefly describe the problem that you wish to work on with my help, and indicate the time you desire for our meeting (please include several options).

Contact information

1131 Budapest, Csuka utca 2.
Telefon: +36 30/684-9189
Skype: szabados.sandor